Stingray Renderer Walkthrough #4: Sorting

Stingray Renderer Walkthrough #4: Sorting


This post will focus on ordering of the commands in the RenderContexts. I briefly touched on this subject in the last post and if you’ve implemented a rendering engine before you’re probably not new to this problem. Basically we need a way to make sure our RenderJobPackages (draw calls) end up on the screen in the correct order, both from a visual point of view as well as from a performance point of view. Some concrete examples,

  1. Make sure g-buffers and shadow maps are rendered before any lighting happens.
  2. Make sure opaque geometry is rendered front to back to reduce overdraw.
  3. Make sure transparent geometry is rendered back to front for alpha blending to generate correct results.
  4. Make sure the sky dome is rendered after all opaque geometry but before any transparent geometry.
  5. All of the above but also strive to reduce state switches as much as possible.
  6. All of the above but depending on GPU architecture maybe shift some work around to better utilize the hardware.

There are many ways of tackling this problem and it’s not uncommon that engines uses multiple sorting systems and spend quite a lot of frame time getting this right.

Personally I’m a big fan of explicit ordering with a single stable sort. What I mean by explicit ordering is that every command that gets recorded to a RenderContext already has the knowledge of when it will be executed relative to other commands. For us this knowledge is in the form of a 64 bit sort_key, in the case where we get two commands with the exact same sort_key we rely on the sort being stable to not introduce any kind of temporal instabilities in the final output.

The reasons I like this approach are many,

  1. It’s trivial to implement compared to various bucketing schemes and sorting of those buckets.
  2. We only need to visit renderable objects once per view (when calling their render() function), no additional pre-visits for sorting are needed.
  3. The sort is typically fast, and cost is isolated and easy to profile.
  4. Parallel rendering works out of the box, we can just take all the Command arrays of all the RenderContexts and merge them before sorting.

To make this work each command needs to know its absolute sort_key. Let’s breakdown the sort_key we use when working with our data-driven rendering pipe in Stingray. (Note: if the user doesn’t care about playing nicely together with our system for data-driven rendering it is fine to completely ignore the bit allocation patterns described below and roll their own.)

sort_key breakdown

Most significant bit on the left, here are our bit ranges:

MSB [ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ] LSB
^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^
| | | | || |- 3 bits - Shader System (Pass Immediate)
| | | | ||- 16 bits - Depth
| | | | |- 1 bit - Instance bit
| | | |- 32 bits - User defined
| | |- 3 bits - Shader System (Pass Deferred)
| - 7 bits - Layer System
|- 2 bits - Unused

2 bits - Unused

Nothing to see here, moving on… (Not really sure why these 2 bits are unused, I guess they weren’t at some point but for the moment they are always zero) :)

7 bits - Layer System

This 7-bits range is managed by the “Layer system”. The Layer system is responsible for controlling the overall scheduling of a frame and is set up in the render_config file. It’s a central part of the data-driven rendering architecture in Stingray. It allows you to configure what layers to expose to the shader system and in which order these layers should be drawn. We will look closer at the implementation of the layer system in a later post but in the interest of clarifying how it interops with the sort_key here’s a small example:

default = [
// sort_key = [ 00000000 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ]
{ name="gbuffer" render_targets=["gbuffer0", "gbuffer1", "gbuffer2", "gbuffer3"]
depth_stencil_target="depth_stencil_buffer" sort="FRONT_BACK" profiling_scope="gbuffer" }

// sort_key = [ 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ]
{ name="decals" render_targets=["gbuffer0" "gbuffer1"] depth_stencil_target="depth_stencil_buffer"
profiling_scope="decal" sort="EXPLICIT" }

// sort_key = [ 00000001 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ]
{ resource_generator="lighting" profiling_scope="lighting" }

// sort_key = [ 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ] LSB
{ name="emissive" render_targets=["hdr0"] depth_stencil_target="depth_stencil_buffer"
sort="FRONT_BACK" profiling_scope="emissive" }

Above we have three layers exposed to the shader system and one kick of a resource_generator called lighting (more about resource_generators in a later post). The layers are rendered in the order they are declared, this is handled by letting each new layer increment the 7 bits range belonging to the Layer System with 1 (as can be seen in the sort_key comments above).

The shader author dictates into which layer(s) it wants to render. When a RenderJobPackage is recorded to the RenderContext (as described in the last post) the correct layer sort_keys are looked up from the layer system and the result is bitwise ORed together with the sort_key value piped as argument to RenderContext::render().

3 bits - Shader System (Pass Deferred)

The next 3 bits are controlled by the Shader System. These three bits encode the shader pass index within a layer. When I say shader in this context I refer to our ShaderTemplate::Context which is basically a wrapper around multiple linked shaders rendering into one or many layers. (Nathan Reed recently blogged about “The Many Meanings of “Shader””, in his analogy our ShaderTemplate is the same as an “Effect”)

Since we can have a multi-pass shader rendering into the same layer we need to encode the pass index into the sort_key, that is what this 3 bit range is used for.

32 bits - User defined

We then have 32 user defined bits, these bits are primarily used by our “Resource Generator” system (I will be covering this system in the post about render_config & data-driven rendering later), but the user is free to use them anyway they like and still maintain compatibility with the data-driven rendering system.

1 bit - Instance bit

This single bit also comes from the Shader System and is set if the shader implements support for “Instance Merging”. I will be covering this in a bit more detail in my next post about the RenderDevice but essentially this bit allows us to scan through all commands and find ranges of commands that potentially can be merged together to fewer draw calls.

16 bits - Depth

One of the arguments piped to RenderContext::render() is an unsigned normalized depth value (0.0-1.0). This value gets quantized into these 16 bits and is what drives the front-to-back vs back-to-front sorting of RenderJobPackages. If the sorting criteria for the layer (see layer example above) is set to back-to-front we simply flip the bits in this range.

3 bits - Shader System (Pass Immediate)

A shader can be configured to run in “Immediate Mode” instead of “Deferred Mode” (default). This forces passes in a multi-pass shader to run immediately after each other and is achieved by moving the pass index bits into the least significant bits of the sort_key. The concept is probably easiest to explain with an artificial example and some pseudo code:

Take a simple scene with a few instances of the same mesh, each mesh recording one RenderJobPackages to one or many RenderContexts and all RenderJobPackages are being rendered with the same multi-pass shader.

In “Deferred Mode” (i.e pass indices encoded in the “Shader System (Pass Deferred)” range) you would get something like this:

foreach (pass in multi-pass-shader)
foreach (render-job in render-job-packages)
render (render-job)

If shader is configured to run in “Immediate Mode” you would instead get something like this:

foreach (render-job in render-job-packages)
foreach (pass in multi-pass-shader)
render (render-job)

As you probably can imagine the latter results in more shader / state switches but can sometimes be necessary to guarantee correctly rendered results. A typical example is when using multi-pass shaders that does alpha blending.

Wrap up

The actual sort is implemented using a standard stable radix sort and happens immediately after the user has called RenderDevice::dispatch() handing over n-number of RenderContexts to the RenderDevice for translation into graphics API calls.

Next post will cover this and give an overview of what a typical rendering back-end (RenderDevice) looks like in Stingray. Stay tuned.

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