Managing Coupling

(This post has also been posted to  http://altdevblogaday.com/ .) The only way of staying sane while writing a large complex software system...

Creating A "Move" Command With .NET API - Take 2

In a previous post Creating A "Move" Command With .NET API , I demonstrated how to use Editor.Drag() to build a custom "MOVE...

Mimicking AutoCAD's "AREA" Command With .NET Code 3 - Using Overrule

After posting the second article on this topic, the approach I used kept bothering me: repeatedly adding/removing a polyline/hatch to/from w...

Mimicking AutoCAD's "AREA" Command With .NET Code 2 - Updated

(Note: latest bug fix update has been appended to the end of this article) In the previous post leaves out a noticeable feature: showing a d...

Mimicking AutoCAD's "AREA" Command With .NET Code

In response to the question asked to me on how to do something similar to AutoCAD's "AREA" command, I spent most my lunch brea...

Picking Points With Visual Aid

Again, this article was prompted with the discussion in the same thread from Autodesk's .NET discussion here . As we all know, using Pro...

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